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Uso de contour map en inglés
A contourmap plan of a very rough piece of ground is shown in Fig.
He was a thin little man with a face as wrinkled as a contourmap of South America.
ISeg generates an isolabel- contourmap for an image by multilevel thresholding with a fine partition of the intensity range.
A contourmap in colours such as Bartholomew's "half inch" is a great help in this matter.
Another picture flashed on the screen; it looked like a contourmap, though it showed magnetic intensity, not heights above sea level.
The route, as indicated on the contourmap, suggests very plainly the engineering feats involved in hanging roads on these steep and deeply-carved slopes.
The contourmaps which we carried credited these walls with 1300 feet height.
Contourmaps were drawn to measure rebound of heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP).
On a good many contouredmaps a figure like this will be found in one of the corners:
The analysis of coefficient contourmaps provided further insight into the binding interactions of mazindol analogues with the DAT.
The vest is made of layers that look like a contouredmap and will be tailor-made for each astronaut.
To illustrate the subject of contours to aid those who have difficulty in reading contouredmaps the following is suggested:
CoMFA derived contourmaps successfully defined favored and disfavored regions of the molecules in terms of steric and electrostatic properties for substitution.
Ender doodled on his desk, drawing contourmaps of mountainous islands and then telling his desk to display them in three dimensions from every angle.
The feature which leads to the greatest complexity in the proper interpretation of emission responses is the widespread presence of "notches" in these contourmaps.
"Here's the contourmap." Parkes flipped up an overlay on the image that showed the tortured underpinnings of spacetime in the room.